Chlorophyll is an important organ for photosynthesis of plants, and the oxygen woven by photosynthesis of plants is an essential material for our breath. Therefore, the detection of chlorophyll content of plants can not only understand the growth of plants and make them grow more healthy, but also have a very important meaning for human beings and all biological communities. The chlorophyll meter can be used in the base of plants without damaging them On the basis of direct understanding of the chlorophyll content of plants, understand the growth of plants!
The content of chlorophyll in plant leaves indicates the condition of plant itself. The content of chlorophyll is directly related to the growth of plants. For plants with good growth, the content of chlorophyll in leaves is relatively higher, while the content of chlorophyll is closely related to the content of nitrogen in leaves. The detection of chlorophyll by chlorophyll analyzer can guide the rational application of nitrogen fertilizer and improve the utilization rate of nitrogen, It shows the real nitro demand of plants.
According to the study, nitrogen has a significant impact on crop growth and development, yield and quality. When the crop is short of nitrogen, the root system production is obviously inhibited, and the formation and development of reproductive organs are also limited, leading to early maturity of plants and small but not full fruits. However, if too much nitrogen is applied, it will reduce the efficiency of nitrogen utilization, and cause the accumulation of nitrate nitrogen in groundwater and surface water, resulting in a series of environmental problems and eutrophication of water body. Therefore, reasonable fertilization is very important. Under the premise of ensuring the yield, it is an important research content to apply as little nitrogen as possible to reduce the cost and environmental pollution.
Chlorophyll meter can measure the relative content of chlorophyll in the leaves of plants immediately. Chlorophyll meter can display the green degree of plants by measuring the SPAD value, understand the growth status of plants and guide the rational use of nitrogen fertilizer. Chlorophyll meter has fast measurement time, accurate measurement results, compact and portable instrument, which can be carried to the field for measurement. Therefore, it is more and more popular More apps!